Dear Reader:
Maternal mortality rates in the U.S are abnormally high, in comparison to those of other developed countries.
For that reason, we are embarking on a four-part series focusing on this vitally important and timely topic, with today’s edition of ICD10monitor and its accompanying live Internet broadcast, Talk Ten Tuesdays.
Leading this series will be Kristi Pollard (RHIT, CCS, CPC, CIRCC, AHIMA-Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer), Director of Coding Quality and Education for Haugen Consulting Group. Pollard has been working with the California Material Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC) as a subject matter expert.
According to Pollard, quality initiatives, including some measures tracked by The Joint Commission, rely on analyzing coded data so they can improve patient outcomes. Since CMQCC began their work, maternal mortality rates in California have decreased, while rates in other states have largely remained unchanged. The types of measures they focus on include maternal hemorrhage, sepsis, and complications associated with induction of labor.
During the beginning of the series, Pollard will introduce readers and listeners to the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) and the AIM data on severe maternal morbidity – including, in subsequent parts, individual measures.
We here at ICD10monitor and Talk Ten Tuesdays extend our appreciation to the Haugen Consulting Group and the dedication of Kristi Pollard to bring this important series to you and your teams.
On that same note of appreciation, we thank the public affairs team at the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) for making possible the appearance of Katherine Lusk (MHSM, RHIA, FAHIMA), the 2021 AHIMA President and Chair, on Tuesday’s live broadcast.
Thank you.
And here’s to better health. For everyone.
Chuck Buck
Program Host and Executive Producer of Talk Ten Tuesdays