
With calcium scoring, 76376 is bundled; however, 76377 can be assigned with a modifier. My radiologists always do the reformation of images for these studies on a separate workstation. With proper documentation, can I assign the following code on those studied?

76377 3D rendering with interpretation and reporting of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, or other tomographic modality with image postprocessing under concurrent supervision; requiring image postprocessing on an independent workstation


No, cardiac CT codes 75571–75574 include 3D post-processing. You may not report 76376 or 76377 for 3D post-processing of images for 75571 or any of the other cardiac CT or CT angiography codes.

A modifier is allowed for those instances when you also perform another procedure other than cardiac CT for which 3D post-processing (76376 or 76377) is separately allowed.


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